
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


This study aims to discuss American cultural values from advertisement, study the reflect of cultural values on advertisement and the influences of advertisement on cultural values, analysis the reason for the interrelationship of advertisement and cultural values. The results show that American cultural values, such as: individualism, openness, independence and competition are fundamental cultural values in advertisement. Moreover , advertisement reflects some values, such as; pragmatism, liberty and equality. The material carrier of advertisement is media, so the development of advertisement is dependent on the development of economy. Furthermore, every nation has itself cultural personality. The cultural values reflecting in advertisement is just American mind.

Key words:advertisement; cultural values; interrelationship; reflecting




1. Introduction
 With the development of economy, the form and content of advertisement become richer. To be popular culture, advertisement has gone deep into people’s life and influenced every aspect. Advertisement is not only a show of goods or element of language but also the carrier of culture. Advertisement carries and reflects different cultural values, with its rapid development and transmission, this has caused Chinese and western culture’s conflict, exchange and blending. Advertisement has been important carrier of cross-cultural communication.
Germany linguist Humboldt said:‘National language is national spirit. National spirit is also national language.’ He also thought‘Language is the product of national spirit, national spirit also firstly show in language. In return, language has great influence on national spirit’. Advertising language is transformation of language. Cultural values as the core of national culture influences advertising language.
