
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Language policy is often regarded as the window of observing the ability of a country’s national integration. India is a language museum with a long history, and also a country with the most languages in the world. In order to have a further understanding of the causes of the diversity and heterogeneity of Indian language and culture, and to provide a comparable reference for language policy in China, this thesis unfolds from the conflict and controversy of Indian language policy,  reveals the historical development of Indian language policy, the formation and influence of the Three Language Formula. In addition, due to the special nature of English culture in India, this thesis makes an objective analysis and evaluation of Indian English culture, discusses the pros and cons of English brought to India, with the aim to help China properly deal with the relationship between our mother tongue education and that of English.

Key words: India; language policy; diversity; Three Language Formula



1. Introduction
India, located in the South Asian sub-continent, is one of the ancient civilizations in the world, and is also a country with the most languages in the world. According to Zhao (2017: 400-401), it has about 1652 languages and dialects. India not only has various kinds of languages, but also its national policy insists on a multilingual system, most of the languages have equal status, so it is also called “lingual nation” by the scientific community of language.
For thousands of years, India has been invaded and occupied by various empires repeatedly, India was in separate situation for a long time, and it almost did not realize the real unification, this is the important cause of the diversity and heterogeneity of Indian language and culture. Indian history is a history of the invasions of empires. Before Indian’s independence, languages were only divided into two types: English and local language. After independence, India began to commit to the localization of language sovereignty. After a long struggle in the Constitutional conference in 1948, Hindi was accepted as the official language. Meanwhile Hindi became the official language of Indian federation according to the constitution, English was the national language that can only be used before January 25, 1965, since then, Hindi was used as the only official language.
