
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


由于文化和思维的异同,英语论文范文,英文报刊同人们日常生活中阅读的中文报刊在排版和内容写作的方式上都有很大异同,而阅读英语报刊最难理解的问题之一是修辞的应用。有的编辑为了吸引读者, 尽量把修辞应用得标新立异, 富有色彩, 这就大大增加了读懂文章的难度。所以初涉英文报刊的读者, 普遍有对英文报刊中修辞的含义理解不透、难以把握的感觉。因此,要读懂外文报刊也需诸多技巧。



With the improvement of China’s international status, and the development of communication technology,the number of people reading foreign newspapers through the network has a drastic rise. One of the most sought-after foreign newspapers comes as the New York Times.
As the cultural and intellectual differences, there is a big difference between Chinese newspaper and English newspaper. One of the hardest problems to understand English newspapers is the use of rhetoric.
According to the above problems, this paper tries to explain the rhetorical devices appeared in English newspapers, and take the New York Times as an example. Rhetorical tactics include: metaphor, personification, transferred epithet, metonymy, allusion, oxymoron, parody, innuendo, paradox, hyperbole, understatement, irony, syllepsis, pun, euphemism and so on. Through an explanation towards a variety of rhetorical devices, this article provides readers with the skills to read English newspapers so that people can appreciate the original English news.

Key words: literary language, newspapers, type of writing, rhetorical devices, New York Times, language context

1. Introduction
With the improvement of China’s international status, and the development of communication technology, the number of people reading foreign newspapers through the network has a drastic rise. One of the most sought-after foreign newspapers comes as the New York Times.
New York Times, sometimes referred to as the Times, is a daily newspaper published in New York. It is distributed in the whole world with considerable influence. It is the representative of the senior newspapers and serious publications of the U.S., and has good credibility and authoritative in a long-term.
As the cultural and intellectual differences, there is a big difference between Chinese newspaper and English newspaper. One of the hardest problems to understand English newspapers is the use of rhetoric.
