
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘  要

本课题中,作者参照Hofstede的五个民族文化维度,找出了中英两国的民族文化异同。例如中国文化强调权力集中,强调集体主义,宣扬和谐。英国文化强调权力分散,崇尚个人主义,注重个体能力表现。这些民族文化的异同可能导致组织成员和组织行为和价值观念的异同,如公司社会责任的履行和认知异同,公司在人际交流和信息流通中的开放程度以及员工融入公司难以程度以及形成公司归属感的异同(总结为交际氛围,Communication Climate),老板与教师角色的异同,教学方式的异同等。这些在看待和处理问题时,组织行为和组织价值观念认识的异同正是组织文化异同的体现。论文中基于以上略论,英语毕业论文英语毕业论文,形成针对中英组织文化异同跨文化探讨的四点假设,最后采用问卷检验对假设进行略论。论文通过略论得出,中英两国不同的文化背景是产生这些具体组织文化异同的宏观基础。最后,论文做出相应总结,同时指出了本文的不足和继续探讨的方向。



Organizational culture has been one of the hot topics in economic management literature since 1980’s. One well-recognized definition of organizational culture states it as “a system of shared values and norms that define appropriate attitudes and behaviors for organizational members” (O’Reilly & Chatman’s, 1996, p160).The system in this definition is value-conceptual and abstract, which is specifically expressed as the shared perceptions and attitudes the organizational members hold, and the responding behaviors they take in dealing with general issues and problems. Therefore, the different perceptions and behaviors of organizations across nations on some general issues can distinguish the organizational cultural differences of different nations, which are China and Great Britain in this thesis. The national culture pattern differences of the two nations are the rooted reasons behind to explain those differences between organizations in China and Great Britain.
In the economics and sociology literature, Institutional School argued that organizations are the outcome of environment and constantly affected by social environment and institutions, which comprise national cultural factors. In brief, national cultural pattern is rooted in the individual’s mind and affects the organizational members’ behaviors and values, and further affects the organizational culture. Thus, organizations within the same country tend to have common ground in regard to organizational cultures, and on the opposite side, organizations from different countries tend to possess different organizational cultures to some extent due to their different national culture patterns. 
The author in this thesis expounds the national culture differences between China and the Great Britain by referring to Hofstede’s national culture dimensions. For example, China is a large-power-distance country focusing on power centralization and collectivism, valuing harmony; while the Great Britain is small-power-distance country focusing on power decentralization and individualism, valuing personal competence. These culture differences lead to different organizational behaviors and values on some general issues, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), Communication Climate, the role of bosses in the workplace, the role of the teacher and teaching methods at school. The different organizational behaviors and values further indicate the organizational cultural differences. The author concludes four hypotheses based on analyzing national culture differences between China and Great Britain in this paper and tests the hypotheses by way of questionnaires. By testing the hypotheses, the author draws the conclusion that national culture differences render China and Great Britain organizational cultural differences mainly represented by perceptions and values on some common issues. Lastly, the conclusion, some limitations about this study and the further study recommendations are put forward.          

Key words: Cross-Culture, Organizational Culture, Organizational Behavior,Organizational Values
