
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





This paper tries to make research of individualism from the angel of cohabitation phenomenon, and find out the inner relation between these two parties. By collecting a great deal of information from literatures and statistics, and doing some analyses, the paper studies individualism from a new angle and gets conclusions.
Individualism is a major part of most people’s characters all around America. It has deeply taken root into American culture and influenced Americans significantly. It advocates the value of independence, freedom, and the spirit of self-realization. These values have achieved not only the U.S. capitalist society of equality, but also the world’s most powerful economic entity.
Cohabitation is a lifestyle that goes against the grain, but which is today chosen by more and more Americans. Concealed in this supposedly free and romantic way of life is the deeply-rooted value of individualism.

Key words: individualism, cohabitation, value, freedom, equality

1  Introduction
Individualism is the essence of American culture. It advocates the value of independence, freedom, and the spirit of self-realization. These values have achieved not only the U.S. capitalist society of equality, but also the world’s most powerful economic entity. At present, we mainly use a three-pronged approach to research American individualism: study its origin from historical perspective; study its expression in literary works from literary point of view; study its impact on social life from sociological point of view. The paper is based on sociological and historical research results and tries to make further research of individualism from the angel of cohabitation phenomenon. Why is American the birthplace of the world’s cohabitation culture? Why do so many Americans choose cohabitation instead of marriage? The answers of these questions are inseparable with American individualism.
