
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


As an important means of business communication, business letters constitute an essential part for business activities. And those bad-news business letters (denial, complaints, claims, etc.), are quite difficult to handle because of their negative influence on the reader. In this sense, negative politeness strategies play a very important role in conveying bad news courtesy and maintaining good business relationships.
This paper analyzes the application of Brown and Levinson’s negative politeness strategies in bad-news business letters at the word, sentence, and discourse levels. Through systematic analysis of a large number of examples, the writer intends to discuss bad-news business letters should adhere to the negative politeness strategies to save the counterparty’s face

Key words: bad-news business letters, negative politeness strategies, negative face




1. Introduction
1.1 Bad-news business letters
1.1.1 The importance of business letters
With the globalization of world economy and the popularity of the Internet, English business letters, including not only traditional letters but also emails and facsimiles, are widely used. Nowadays, business letters contribute a lot to making the world of business run efficiently and effectively. They are effective ways to exchange information as well as build up and maintain harmonious business relationships. Without business letters, business activities are less likely to go on smoothly.
1.1.2 The classification of business letters and bad-news business letters
Business letters may be classified from various perspectives. The most common
way to classify business letters is based on the needs of the writer. In this paper, the author follows the classification made by Steward. There are four different kinds of letters in terms of its effect on the writer’s needs: good-news business letters, neutral -news business letters, bad-news business letters, and persuasive letters.
