摘 要
撒谎是生活中一种常见的现象,它作为一种非一般的沟通行为,在人际交往过程中往往起到不可忽视的影响。一部对于撒谎的热门心理剧,Lie to Me(别对我说谎)主要故事情节来自美国心理学专家保罗•艾克曼博士,其探讨方向为人类面部表情的辨识、情绪略论与人际欺骗等。通过略论被观察者的肢体语言和微表情,进而向他们的客户提供被观测者是否撒谎等略论报告。本文从非言语行为角度入手,从发声特征、面部表情和肢体动作三方面描述人们撒谎的非言语行为特征,及其与人主观及客观条件之间的必然关系,英语论文网站,同时以心理学角度为辅助,略论撒谎者的动机。
本文第一章节为本课题的基本介绍,第二章节为对于谎言及非言语行为的国内外文献回顾,第三章节重点略论撒谎中的非言语行为特征,并引用美剧Lie to Me中的具体例证,第四章节将关于撒谎的动因,说谎者的特征及谎言的辨别进行简单阐述。第五章是对全文的总结。
关键词:撒谎;Lie to Me;非言语行为
Lying is not a typical way of communication but plays a noticeable role in interpersonal interaction. The hot American TV series Lie to Me telling about lying is based on the psychological research from Paul Ekman, a famous psychologist whose research focuses are mainly on identification of facial expression, analysis of mood and emotion, interpersonal deceit, etc. Through the observation of target person and analysis of his body language and micro expressions, a report can be obtained revealing whether he is lying or not.
This paper focuses on what people behave unconsciously when lying and what functions in lying in terms of its subjective and objective conditions from the nonverbal perspective, including vocal characters, facial expression and movements.
The paper first gives a general introduction in Chapter One, and literature review about lying and nonverbal behavior in Chapter Two. In Chapter Three, the nonverbal behavior codes in lying are studied with specific demonstrations exemplified by Lie to Me. And in Chapter Four, further interpretation of the psychological motion of lying and ways of detecting lying are discussed. Finally in Chapter Five, the paper comes to a conclusion.
The study aims to unveil the mysterious lying and find the original behaviour codes in the complicated and unpredictable world. Meanwhile, it helps make interpersonal interaction more convenient and straightforward, and provides reliable materials to researches in fields like linguistics and psychology.
Keywords: lying; Lie to Me; nonverbal behavior |