
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: Business negotiation is a kind of economic activity through our daily language. Whether it succeeds or not depends on the use of language. In business negotiation, disparities and conflicts are inevitable due to both parties, cooperation with each other as well as being competitive against each other. It lacks systematic and theory. The author analyzes concrete cases with the guidance of Cooperative Principle, Relevance Theory and Politeness Principle to see how to use Pragmatic Principle effectively to make business negotiation succeed. Many books have been published to offer guidelines for business negotiation, but they rarely pay attention to Pragmatic Principle in business negotiation. So this thesis aims to analyze concrete cases in business negotiation with Cooperative Principle, Relevance Theory and Politeness Principle. It is hoped that this research will enrich our business negotiation theory and promote business negotiation activities.

Key words: Business negotiation; Cooperative Principle; Relevance Theory; Politeness Principle



1. Introduction
Business Negotiation is a process that different economic entity parties through communication, negotiation, compromise, cooperation and other means to define the possible business opportunities for their own interests and needs. The characteristic of business negotiation aims at achieving economic interests. Therefore, in order to achieve successful and effective negotiation, many scholars did quite a lot of research in negotiating principles, theory and etiquette strategies.
Grice, an American linguistic philosopher, firstly puts forward Cooperative Principle. According to this principle, he builds four corresponding standards: Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Relation and Maxim of Manner. The famous scholar Leech comprehensives the view of Brown and Levinson, puts forward the Politeness Principle. Among them, Face Theory, which puts forward by Brown and Levinson, is an influential theory used to explain politeness phenomena. In Chinese and Western cultures ,“face” has different cultural meanings.
