
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: The common characteristics of public speeches are simplicity and straightforwardness. However, in partial English-speaking countries, especially the UK, people tend to speak in a euphemistic way. And when it comes to politics, the politicians are most likely to become implicative by using understatement. This paper illustrates and discusses the application of understatement in political speeches respectively from rhetoric and linguistic views, aiming to help English learners not only understand its devices of expression and characteristics of language, but also perceive the deep meaning of speeches, enjoying them in a better way.

Key words: understatement; implication; euphemism; political speeches


关键词:低调陈述; 含蓄委婉; 政治演讲

1. Introduction
Understatement is a figure of speech. It is always used in our daily life, social communication, including some special social situations such as political, economical, military, diplomatic ones. It aims to make it easy for others to accept and even to avoid sharpness, ease tense, express modesty and so on.
In recent years, scholars abroad and at home are still in searching for understatement. Some of them have got some important achievements by analyzing the functions, characteristics and manners of structure from aspects of linguistics, semantics, rhetoric, etc. However, there are not many researches in practical application of understatement in passages and no systematic conclusion about it.
This paper illustrates and discusses the application of understatement in political speeches respectively from rhetoric and linguistic views, aiming to help English learners not only understand its devices of expression and characteristics of language, but also perceive the deep meaning of speeches, enjoying them in a better way.
