
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Ever since 2017, China has overtaken Japan in terms of total GDP and ranked number two in the world, only after the United States. At the same time, most Chinese enterprises that are engaged in international trade still concentrate on markets of developed countries, or DCs to sell their products. However, after the 2017 financial crisis, demand shrank sharply in DCs. Like a domino effect, quite many Chinese exporters have been victimized. To find a way out, market diversification can be considered as an effective strategy for companies to expand their share globally. Fairly speaking, regarding markets in less-developed countries (LDCs), potential needs are still far from satisfied. In this sense, it is somewhat pressing for Chinese exporters to direct greater attention to these booming markets while contemplate seriously how to penetrate so as to make themselves more sustainable and better tackle the challenges that may emerge any time in the future.
Considering the significance of market diversification, this thesis intends to explore both the implications and influence of emerging markets. In addition, concrete strategies of tapping these markets will also be highlighted through a success story of Coca-Cola in South Africa.

Key Words: export enterprise  developed country  less-developed country  market diversification  market strategy
摘 要


关键词: 出口公司  发达国家  发展中国家  市场多元化 营销策略

1 Introduction
Ever since the late 20th century, the pace of globalization has also been accelerating rapidly and its impact has been growingly immense over diverse areas including culture, politics, and economy, etc. During this process, numerous enterprises have become internationalized and they are engaged in cross-border transactions in a high-profile manner.
