
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


    Linguistic taboo is a kind of special and important language phenomenon, social phenomenon and culture phenomenon. Because of its sensibility, people always avoid using it in daily communication. However, as an indispensable tool of expression, linguistic taboo widely exists in human society. Language cannot live without context, and the maximum value of linguistic taboo can be reflected only in different contexts. Therefore, the Context Theory is an important factor to support this thesis.
    On the basis of the previous researches, the thesis starts from the concept, causes, types and features of taboo, then combines some relative contextual theories and some examples in real life to do some research and discuss the use of linguistic taboo under different contexts. Thus the impacts of some contextual factors on the use of linguistic taboo are summarized such as participants, activities, psychology and politeness. At last, the thesis gives out three communicative functions of taboo in certain contexts: humor, catharsis and showing one’s character. The study and analysis of the use of linguistic taboo in different contexts can help people effectively avoid some misunderstanding in communications, improve people’s communicative competence and promote the language communication to be more harmonious. 

Key Words: linguistic taboo  context  impact  communicative function

摘 要

    禁忌语是一种特殊的, 非常重要的语言现象、社会现象、文化现象。因为禁忌语本身的敏感性,在交流中人们常常避免使用它。然而,作为不可或缺的表达工具,英语论文,它却普通存在于人类社会中。语言的存在离不开语境,特别是禁忌语的使用只有在不同的语境中才能最大的体现出其存在的价值。因此语境理论是支撑本文论点的一个重要因素。

关键词:禁忌语 语境 作用 交际影响
