
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


With rapid development of the Internet and the fast speed of information delivering, a growing number of companies establish their own homepages with media of the Internet, which makes it the important bridge communicating with outside world. This paper selects about 30 pieces of CP from Fortune Global 500 Companies, and analyses them from the perspective of the textual function of SFL put forward by Halliday, which proves that the theory of textual function is able to effectively guide the CP-writing.
Furthermore, this paper applies the thematic structure, information structure and cohesion theory of textual function in specific to do research on the textual characteristics of CP. From the analysis, the author finds that simple theme and unmarked theme are used most frequently to help readers straightly grasp the main information; the use of different models of thematic progression contributes to make texts in various structure; the flexible use of grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion does favor either in making the whole text more coherent or making reading easier. From the above analysis, it is concluded that strength of the textual function not only reflects on giving assistance to guide texts-writing and translating, but also helps analyze structure of reports and lectures. 

Key Words:  company profile  textual function  thematic structure  information structure  cohesion theory

摘  要


关键词:企业简介  语篇功能  主位结构  信息结构  衔接理论

1    Introduction
With the development of the Internet, it becomes one of the most important, fastest-spread and widest-covered medium. Nowadays, business of companies is no longer limited in local cities or countries, and they have developed to cooperate and compete with other companies throughout the world. Consequently, a growing number of corporations have built their own homepages on the Internet, which gradually take place of traditional printed brochures.
