
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


自从美国加利福尼亚学院电子工程和计算机系的控制论专家查理(L. A. Zadeh)在1965年提出“模糊”概念以来,模糊理论在数学、计算机、语言学等方面备受关注,英语毕业论文,继而产生了模糊数学、模糊逻辑学、模糊语言学等。因为模糊性是人类语言的重要属性之一,英语论文范文,所以商务语言的模糊性及其语用功能在实际商务交际中非常重要。本文主要介绍了模糊语的的基本概念及其存在的意义;探索模糊语在商务英语中的主要表现形式;略论模糊语在商务英语中的语用功能,并通过实例来证明。最后总结了如何在商务英语中恰当应用模糊语,通过使用模糊语缓和商务活动中出现的尴尬气氛,促进商务活动的顺利进行。

关键词:模糊语;商务英语 ;语用功能;恰当应用


Since L. A. Zadeh, cybernetist of Electronic Engineering Dept. and Computer Engineering Dept. from University of California in America, put forward 'Fuzziness' in 1965, the fuzzy theory in mathematics, computer and linguistics was paid close attention to, and then fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy logic, fuzzy linguistics and so on came up. As fuzziness is one of the important attributes of human language, fuzziness of business language and its pragmatic functions in the actual business communication are very important. This paper mainly introduces the basic concept of fuzzy language and the significance of its existence; it explores the main forms of fuzzy language and analyses the pragmatic functions of fuzzy language in Business English. Many actual examples are used to explain the pragmatic functions. And finally it concludes the proper application of fuzzy language in Business English. Using fuzzy language is a good way to ease the embarrassment of business activities and promote business activities.
Key words: fuzzy language; business English; pragmatic function; proper application

1 Introduction

The basic principles of traditional linguistics require language to be expressed clearly and accurately. However, as the objective entity boundary is uncertain, people observe things in different angles or people are lack of comprehensive understanding. These result in inconsistency of language use, thus making the existence of fuzzy language a necessity. Fuzzy language was not paid attention to until L. A. Zadeh, cybernetist of California in America, put forward 'Fuzziness'. He opened up a new scientific thinking mode, and fuzzy linguistics arose at the same time.
