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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19



关键词:情景喜剧;合作准则;幽默; 生活大爆炸

In recent years, an increasing number of American sitcoms have been introduced into our country and aroused great interest among the Chinese audiences. They can learn the typical expressions of English while enjoying themselves. The Big Bang Theory is a very popular American sitcom among young generations all around the world. There are so many humorous utterances on the show that make the audiences laugh a lot. While as to humorous English language, many people whose first language is not English can not comprehend the meaning between lines. Thus, to analyze humor from the angle of linguistics, especially pragmatics can not only help those audiences have a better understanding of humor in the play, but also make a big difference in the creation of humorous utterances. Grice’s Cooperative Principles is one of the substantial elements of the modern pragmatics, and it has made a great contribution in explaining the generation of humor.
This thesis will first give a brief introduction to the Cooperative Principles, the American sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” and the conception of humor. Then the thesis focuses on analyzing how the humorous effects in the conversations are generated by violating the four maxims of the Cooperative Principles. And the last part comes to some implications and shortages of the study.
The author believes that there will be more and more sitcoms in the future. But only by making researches on the generating process of humor, can those creators produce more and better humorous works.  
Key words: humorous utterance, Cooperative Principles, the Big Bang Theory, violate
