
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Herber Paul Grice, a famous British philosopher and professor of linguistics of Oxford University, when he gave lectures at Harvard in 1967, he defined his Cooperative Principle as, “Make your accepted purpose or direction of the conversational exchange in which people are engaged.” He also points out that in daily life, for the interest of various communication goals, people do not always observe those maxims, and then conversational implicature appears. Conversational implicature is a feature of language in use.
This paper is trying to analyze the conversational implicature phenomenon in business negotiation and to explore the potential meaning in business negotiation from a pragmatic perspective. Firstly, this paper introduces Grice’s cooperative principle and conversational implicature with selected examples and it tries to analyze the potential meaning of the conversation. Secondly, this paper gives some business conversations and aims to analyze the negotiation based on the four maxims of conversational implicature which was put forward by Grice. Through carefully selected examples, this paper manages to show how to behave politely in business negotiation. It’s hoped that this paper can be of help to those who are in such field to achieve successful negotiation.
In business negotiation, the hearer should understand the cooperative principle and its maxims first and then deduce the conversation implicature correctly from certain business context to reach the goal that the hearer can understand the special meaning correctly.

Key words:Grice; Cooperative Principle; Four Maxims; Conversational Implicature; Business negotiation 

摘  要:


1 Introduction
1.1 Grice’s Theory of Cooperative Principle and Its Four Maxims
In 1975, H.P. Grice, the author of Logic and Conversation put forward a tacit agreement in the conversational activities: the hearer and the speaker have a tacit agreement between each other.
