
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘  要




    American linguist Grice has put forward principles of cooperation in 1967. After him, a British linguist Ridge. Jeffrey complements and redraws the politeness principles on the basis of the principles of cooperation, which are Tact Maxim, Generosity Maxim, Approbation Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Agreement Maxim, and Sympathy Maxim. What's more, Chinese Professor Gu Yueguo has also made out a set of his own politeness norms. They can be described as respectfulness, modesty, attitudinal warmth, and refinement. In order to get the similarities and differences of politeness principles between America and China, this paper compares Leech's principle with Professor Gu Yueguo's, and talking about some affairs that happened in these two countries. With the development of today's society, globalization is getting more and more hotter, people with different cultural background have different politeness principles, which also can be called as courtesy generation gap. It requires people to have a more basic identification on different politeness principles, and thus people can achieve the purpose of communication more easily. Because of diverse cultural backgrounds, the ways we deal with are similarly discrepant. Moreover, the communication between China and the United States is getting increased. What kind of role China played in the world decided the number of communication it needed. Therefore, this research focus on the differences of Sino-US Politeness Principles. Through this study, we can learn how to communicate with others fluently and how to make both of us satisfied.

Key words: communication; politeness principles; politeness norms; contrast

1 Introduction
According to the history, politeness is one of the social characteristics. In the late fifties of the 20th century, a famous English philosopher J. Austin has put forward a principle called speech act theory. This theory contains three levels of the contents, which are named as locutionary act, perlocutionary act, and the illocutionary act. The core of the principle is that people can use language to accomplish some certain behavior. Some years later, an American philosopher J. R. Searle improved the theory from Austin, and got it forward. Because he believes that the theory of Austin has some limitations which simply studied the speech act under the situation of no any other context.
