
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要




In daily life, we can see many kinds of colors, whether they are in the nature, or what we use, or the color phrases we can see in the book. Colors are closely associated with people's lives. In human language, color words are often used, to describe the materials to express our feelings. According to the thousands of years of accumulation, color is endowed with emotion and cultural symbolic meaning. Different colors have different meanings, the difference of the meanings in Chinese and English is very large, because same color words have different meanings in the two languages. There are four factors which cause the differences from the perspective of natural environment, historical background, political background and religious belief. For example, Chinese advocate the yellow, because Chinese culture originated from the loess plateau along the Yellow River. So Chinese think the yellow is important, even the Emperor's robes are yellow. So, when we use the colors, we should not only pay attention to the basic meaning of them, but also pay attention to the deep meaning of them. Because of their different cultural backgrounds and traditions, human perception of color is not the same, so the symbolic meaning of color words in Chinese and Western culture can make a huge difference. This thesis recounts the same and the different connotations of color terms between Chinese and English.

Key words: color; Chinese; English; connotations

1 Introduction
We are living in a colorful world, and as a student, I realize that there are a variety of color words or a large number of color expressions in our books describing all the color things in the nature and in the society as well. So our lives are not only full of colors, but colors also play a very important role in our lives. People all are relevant to colors, no matter in vision or emotion.
