
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要




This paper attempts to analyse Sino-US cultural differences which are based on the comparison between Disney cartoon Mulan and Chinese Ballad Mulan. The paper adopts the methods of comparison and analyzing materials to analyse the object Mulan in three aspects: tradition vs. freedom, family priority vs. individual priority and gender discrimination vs. feminism. The study finds that American Mulan realizes her own dream in joining army, but Chinese Mulan, adding the glory of family. Both Chinese and American own the obvious ethnic and historical characteristics, which leads to the different ways of expressing things. This paper approves that comprehending Sino-US cultural differences contributes to appreciating movies and literature in different backgrounds deeply. It also could improve our cross-cultural communication ability.

Key words: movie; culture; Fa Mulan; Disney.

1 Introduction

During more than one thousand years, the story of Mulan’s joining the army for replacing her father has been undergoing a series of manifestations, such as folk-songs, long and short poems, novels, theatres, etc. In the year of 1998, Chinese popular ballad The Mulan Ballad was shot by American Disney Company as a cartoon Mulan, Disney fashioned the girl from the 2017-year-old Chinese folktale, and filled with typical Disney delights-breathtaking visuals, catchy songs and an inspirational protagonist of courage and conviction. This movie examined the oriental story with the eye of American and carried out cultural shifts toward the original spiritual core of The Mulan Ballad with their American cultural orientation. According to different cultural values, the original story of Mulan in China stressed her absolute filial piety and loyalty while Disney had changed the story of filial piety into a story of self-realization. Visibly, the reason of the change is culture.

