
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘  要




    The United States is a young nation, but now it has become the strongest nation. Its every stage of the history is worthy studying and reflecting. Due to historical reasons, there are a lot of black people living in the United States. The language which they used has some distinctive ethnic features and enjoys a unique name, called “AAVE”. However, further researches show that the name of AAVE is not accurate. Because the language variant is not simply formed by national differences. Its usage is closely related to the economic status, education level and so on. So in recent years, AAVE has gradually become an important social dialect, rather than a national dialect. On the one hand, not all Americans use AAVE. AAVE is a kind of English variant that used by the low economic blacks in American society, or the blacks have risen to middle income level, but still keep in touch with the original class in blacks. As the rapid transmission of information, AAVE is loved by more and more young people because of its peculiar concise and the direct way of expressing feelings.

Key words: AAVE ; African American ; social dialect ; English variant

1 Introduction
    This paper is to analyze the origins and features of African American Vernacular English (AAVE). In the history of African-American English, AAVE has been given different English names such as Negro Nonstandard English, Negro English, Colored variants. These name changes and address changes in African-American race has a certain relationship with the characteristics of AAVE change. Over the past two decades, with the legalization of the status of AAVE, African-American linguists, scholars and activists have been trying to find a more appropriate name. However, the names used mainly in the academic, scholars are still inclined to use AAVE. However, even in the use of AAVE among blacks, the situation is different.

