
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


关键词:数字,寓意, 文化异同

Digital language regarded as a special culture phenomenon can reflect many cultural aspects in our daily life or literary works, including thought pattern, philosophical thinking, concept of religion, customs and so on. It is frequently used in our daily communication. This paper aims to discuss numbers; their different omens and the cause of the differences between Chinese and western culture reflected in digital numbers through various vivid examples. Synthesizing the influence of history, culture and religion on numbers, the author summarizes some common rules, hoping to do cross-cultural communication smoothly, and decrease the cultural conflicts that appear in the course cultural communication.

Key words:number; omens; cultural differences

1.1 Background Information
With the development and globalization of society and economy, people all over the world have more communication and understanding. Many foreign visitors can not help but exclaim that the Chinese are really creative, and can line up numbers up so “auspiciously.” However, judging by our Chinese, people from the outside world may totally have a different cognition to the omens of numbers. For example, “6” is an auspicious number in China, and since the ancient time, Chinese people have advocated the number “6”. However, in the west countries, “6” is not a popular digital.
Despite the fact that there is a vast body of literature on intercultural communication, offering a wealth of observations and views of the subject, a forceful and unified theory of the omens of numbers is still lacking.
