
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract: Feminism and film belong to two separate fields of studies. The former refers to a kind of social theory or political movement, while the latter indicates a kind of mass media. Actually, feminism is utilized in different cultural studies to various degrees, like film studies, which covers a wide scope of mass media themes, including economy, technology and aesthetics. And the traditional definition of feminist film is a kind of literary forms, based on female idiosyncrasy, making the female narrative as the theme and regarding the female as the main target audience. However, this kind of films has low social status in patriarchal society. Therefore, this paper will study American films in accordance with the theories of feminism and feminist film, especially Thelma & Louise. Feminist films create a strong, independent and successful female image, contribute to improve women’s status and break the ice between men and women and provide a stage for the female to fight for equality and freedom. At the same time, this paper also indicates how to understand, respect and love females.
Key Words: feminism theory; feminist film theory; Thelma & Louise; patriarchal society

摘  要:女性主义电影探讨属于两个不同的领域。前者是一种社会理论或者政治运动,而后者代表一种大众文化。事实上,各种女性主义不同程度上地作用着不同的文化探讨,比如说,电影探讨中无处不渗透着大众文化的主题,像经济、技术和美学方面。传统定义中的女性主义电影是一种基于女性特质,以女性为叙事主题,英语论文网站,以女性为主要收视目标的文艺表现形式。然而,这种电影在父权社会中的社会地位低下。因此,本文将通过女性主义理论和女性主义电影理论的阐释来研讨一下美国电影,特别是《末路狂花》这一部电影。女性主义电影创造了坚强、独立、成功的女性形象,为提高女性的地位和打破男女之间的僵局作出了重要的贡献,并为女性争取平等和自由提供了一个舞台。同时,英语论文范文,本文还指出了我们应该如何理解、尊重和爱护女性。

As the eighth art in the twentieth century, film is a creative trinity of policy, economy and culture. At the end of the nineteenth century, film has been developed into business, ideology, art and theory and parallels the first women’s liberation movement. With the fast development of ideology, we turn to the second and third wave of women’s movement. Of course, they become the weapons of ideological pioneers, who always feel like putting feminism into the literature and art. Thus both of film and feminism interact with each other. Under the pressure in our society, women’s settlement and independent personality is our focus.
