On the Cultural Conflicts between America and China Based on the Conversational...[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

On the Cultural Conflicts between America and China Based on the Conversational Analysis of the film Gua Sha

Based on a misunderstanding of the scraping therapy belonging to traditional Chinese medicine, the main line of the "Scraping" is the conflict caused on Mr. Xu Datong. It reflects the Chinese people fall into cultural troubles from time to time during the overseas times. It draws the picture of the life of Chinese people in overseas, focusing on the misunderstanding due to the cultural differences, and it arouses domestic and overseas Chinese attention and resonance as well. People starts to think cultural differences and gain experiences in dealing with them, meanwhile, the movie also promotes the cultural integration indirectly. All in all, this movie not only reflects the cultural conflicts between America and China, but also makes the contribution of the East-West cultural communication and integration.

This paper is devoted to study the differences between Chinese culture and American culture of film Gua Sha, and has tentatively to conduct the deep analysis of the causes of these differences. The cultural differences in the film are mainly caused in the area of medical concept, friendship concept, family concept and values, and the main reasons of these differences and contradictions are derived from the differences of philosophy, thinking mode and ethnic traditions. All the detailed phenomenon and reasons reflected in the film will be analyzed profoundly.
Key words: Cultural Difference, Cultural Conflict, Root Reason, Cultural Integration

摘        要

《刮痧》是以中医的刮痧疗法产生的误会为主线,描写了中美两国因文化的不同而产生的一系列由刮痧引起的矛盾和纷争,英语论文范文,后因人们的诚恳与爱心最终冲破困境。该影片是海外华人在国外生活的真实写照,它将主题集中在了反应东西方文化异同所造成的不理解上面,引起了更多国内外华人的共鸣,使人们开始文化异同进行思考,并不断总结出经验和应对办法,促进了中西方文化的交流与融合。 总而言之,该影片不仅反映了中美文化间存在的异同,还为中美文化的融合间接地做出了贡献。


