Uncover the Reapers Veil of History: A Post[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


William Wordsworth, the main founder and the spokesman of English romantic poetry in the 19th century, is called "a singer of nature" by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The Solitary Reaper is one of his representative works. At present, most of the studies of The Solitary Reaper are limited by the traditional literary views of aesthetics, regarding it simply as a beautiful lyric poem, but the poem is far more complicated.

Among the studies on The Solitary Reaper at home or abroad, there has been little research from the perspective of post-colonialism. With postcolonial theory and cultural semiotics to interpret The Solitary Reaper, we can make literary texts "historical"; at the same time, through the discovery of fracture, contradiction, and missing in the text and the analysis of the complex relationship between the present and the absent, the signifier and the signified, we can explore, stretch and stress literary works expressed by ideology and enable them to give a voice of their own. Thus, this poem is interpreted and explored with postcolonial theory and cultural semiotics from the four aspects of history, language, geography and identity, in order to reflect the problems that the poem has referred to and to further dig historical truth, discourse violence, racial crisis and cultural conflict hidden in the poem.

This research finds the poem’s relevance to the contemporary world and provides a more comprehensive and convincing comprehension of this poem. 

Key words: Wordsworth, The Solitary Reaper, Post-colonialism, Romanticism

