The Significance of Applying Body Language to English Teaching in Primary School[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

I.Introduction:brief introduction to body language
Human communication is achieved by the verbal and the nonverbal. The non- verbal communication,body language,is such an important medium for people to communicate in their daily life because it assumes almost eighty percent of communication. In terms of the definition of body language,Guan Shijie holded,英语论文网站,“Nonlinguistic communication or nonverbal communication is the one realized not by verbal language but by potential nonverbal information during the conversation.”(Chang Chunlin,2017:12) Studies on human culture also suggest that with the exception of verbal language there are other nonverbal factors,英语论文,such as tones,postures, face–to–face communication.Hence body language belongs to nonlinguistic communication,which sends messages and expresses ideas by the application of eyesight,facial expression,gesture,posture and so on.According to different criteria,body language falls into various types.本论文由英语论文网/ As for characteristics,body language is composed of simple body language,complex body language and blended body language. With regard to the ways in expressing meaning,it is made up of the demonstrative and the symbolic. As to the individual body parts,it mainly consists of eyesight,facial expression,gesture,posture,and spacial distance. The definition and type of body language mentioned above lead to the following characteristics:visual,tangible, flexible and diverse. In other words,body language can show people’s intentions directly,vividly,clearly and concretely . And for those people living in different coutries with different cultural backgrounds apply body language to express various meanings.Besides,people of different age have their special body language.
II.The devolopment and present state of body language
Body language has a pretty long history.Before human language came into being,human ancestors had already used simple body language to make necessary communication. However,not until the 19th century had human regarded body language as an art and done any special research. In 1872,British biologist Darwin pubished Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animal,offering base for studies on body languages. In 1952,American psychologist Birdwhistell wrote Introduction to Kinesics and first created body language,which marked the foundation of this field. In addition,he was the author of Kinesics and Context,in which body language was defined as a subject serving for action in linguistic and nonlinguistic communication. Since then,the theory on body language was formally put forward (Xing Dianpu,2017:37). In 1970,American Julius Fast gave a summation to the fruits of human language achieved before the 1970s and presented an overwhole introduction to human language. All those mentioned above obviously prove that people have certain knowledge of body language.
However,the study on teachers’ body language just has a short history. In this field,little research had been done until the 1950s. In the 1960s, body language’s position led to a series of discussion. Then came the prosperous period of body language in the 1970s and 1980s. It is not until the 1980s that Chinese education researchers took serously the role of body language in teaching (Zhou Pengsheng,2017:26-27). Just as Geng Erling noted,“According to the present state of knowledge field,till the later 1980s somebody paid attention to body language.”Since the 1990s,Chinese scholars began to mak
