
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

On Nonverbal Communication in Primary English Teaching
English teaching serves the verbal communication. The instructional information and knowledge are not only conveyed by the verbal language, but also by the nonverbal language in the English teaching especially at primary school. However, most teachers, who think the words are the sole way to convey the message, only attach importance to the verbal communication and ignore the nonverbal communication. In primary English teaching, nonverbal communication, which is usually used to convey message with many ways by the English teachers, has a great influence on the English teaching. According to Cooper’s viewpoint, the writer discusses the techniques of the nonverbal communication in primary English teaching from six categories, which are effective in the process of primary English teaching. They are respectively self-presentation, identification of rules and expectations, feedback and reinforcement, liking and affection, regulation of conversational flow and classroom control. From the discussion of these six categories, we can see that it’s necessary and important to use the nonverbal communication in primary English teaching.
Key Words
nonverbal language;nonverbal communication;techniques

摘 要 :英语教学是为言语交际服务的,然本论文由英语论文网/而在英语课堂中,教学信息和知识除了靠教师有声语言的传递外,还要通过非语言交际辅助完成。这一点在小学英语教学中表现得尤为突出。然而,许多老师往往只注重语言交际,以为词语是传递和领悟信息的唯一途径,忽略了非言语行为的信息传递。在小学英语课堂中的非言语表达形式是非常丰富的,而且应用频率也很高,直接作用着英语教的效果。因此,本文试从小学英语教学的角度,英语论文范文,对非言语交际在小学英语教学中的应用技巧进行研讨。作者根据西方学者库珀的观点,英语论文范文,就非语言交际在小学英语教学中的应用分为行为表现,规章制度的执行和要求、回应与强调、态度与感情、对学生对话的引导和控制、课堂控制六个方面。通过对这六方面的论述,可见非言语交际在小学英语教学中的应用是非常必要和重要的。 
English as an international language becomes popular all over the world. In fact, it has been estimated that although there are four hundred and fifty million of the world’s six billion seven hundred million population who speak English natively, and it is the most extensive second language all over the world (2017). China as the largest country regards the English as second language. In recent years, English as foreign language to teach also has popularized at primary school in China. Educational Department of China issued that English course should be offered at primary school. However, the method of teaching English at primary school is a controversial issue. The writer holds that nonverbal communication is one of the best ways in primary English teaching.
Brooks said that communication is usually divided into two primary categories: verbal and nonverbal (Bi, 1998) in terms of its elements. Verbal communication means communication with language, in the form of either spoken or written words. In contrast, nonverbal language is used to mean communication with signs or symbols rather than words, most probably unconsciously to convey meanings or feelings that cannot or would not be expressed in words (Song, 2017).
The twentieth century has been a slowly emerging holistic approach to language study (Diane, 2017). Sebeok said that “the growth of semiotics, with its focus on patterned communication in all modes and drew attention to the role of nonverbal communication and thus helped to clarify exactly what was involved in the specifically linguistic dimension of communication.” (Mark & Janie, 2017).
Leaning back in one’s important part of any communication interchange, whereas as Professor Albert Mehrabian says, words convey only seven percent of a person’s message, intonat
