1.1 The Necessity and Importance of the Research
As for China's primary school English teaching at the present time, while the teachinglevels are continuous improving, some problems have been exposed for the backwardness ofpronunciation teaching. To sum up, three main aspects as the following that can not beignored:① Incorrect pronunciation. Most pupils usually obtained the sound of English words byimitating the pronunciation of their teachers or tapes repeatedly. If it is difficult to imitate,some students are accustomed to marking Chinese characters or pinyin to memorize wordspronunciation. The phenomena often happen when opening students' English books, forexample, pen was marked as Chinese character , for word juice, the sentence “Howare you?" to be labeled as a Of course, such instances are extremely common. Theproblem is there is a great difference between standard English pronunciation and thepronunciation students made by piecing together the Chinese characters or pinyin. By doingso, the pronunciation and intonation of our students tends to be stiff and inaccurate, whichnaturally affects their English learning. That's why many students today feel they can notexpress their feelings or ideas successfully in communicative activities, particularly,sometimes they even don't understand the meaning that the speakers want to express.
1.2 Purposes for the Research
Generally speaking, the English language consists of three parts : pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar. Pronunciation is in the first place because it directly affects themeaning of language expression. Therefore, pronunciation is the first language learningbarrier the beginners should overcome; otherwise the new language will sound odd andincomprehensible.As discussed above, pronunciation is the first threshold in language teaching andlearning. Beginners firstly need to possess the ability to identify and produce the sound. Theknowledge of pronunciation is of great importance because its function is to develop students'ability to deal with English pronunciation. Besides, learning phonetic knowledge helps todevelop students' skills of listening, speaking,英语论文,reading and writing English,However, the literature on teaching English pronunciation is abundant with theimportance of teaching pronunciation while research on the issue of how to carry out effective English phonetic teaching in the classroom from the situations of our Chinese students'second language learning is relatively scarce. In pronunciation classes, students are used tolearning pronunciation through mechanical imitation or practice in the past many years. Inmost cases, phonetic teaching is hard to carry out because students often feel dull and tediouswhen they imitate and practice frequently without involving any interesting elements in thewhole class. Thus it is better to teach pronunciation with easy teaching method and interestingpractice patterns.
2 Literature Review
2.1 A Brief Introduction to the History of English Phonetic Teaching
According to the record of English language teaching, the origin of modem languageteaching can be traced back to late in the Middle Ages.(A.P.R.Howatt 1984:1) Pronunciationteaching as a part of language teaching ,however, was not to be put in an important place atearly times. The reason is people at that t,英语毕业论文