小学英语有效性教学The effectiveness of primary school English teaching[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract: English teaching in primary schools should reflect the interesting, useful and effective. Interesting, useful, effective, form a triangle, making the teacher of classroom teaching can be more meaningful. "Effective" refers to the teaching methods of teachers will enable students to achieve three-dimensional target to achieve a multiplier effect in the whole process. "Interesting" means the student has yearned for meaningful learning. It requires teachers to stimulate students 'interest in learning in the classroom, in the usual attention to cultivating students' motivation. "Useful" refers to the learning materials so that students feel valuable. It requires the teachers in the classroom so that students feel that the knowledge can help them solve practical problems in life.

Keywords: classroom teaching, effectiveness,  interesting, useful and effective teaching objectives

The new materials to our teachers with new teaching ideas, and also brought new challenges to the learning of our teachers teaching and learning of students. Under the guidance of the concept of the new curriculum, the teaching of primary English classroom teachers in changing students 'learning in changing students' interest in learning English in the classroom improved, positive enhancements. English teaching in primary schools is the main way of classroom teaching, classroom teaching is embodied in the teaching activities.

Therefore, the focus on student learning, how to make primary school English teaching science effectively, how to make teaching meaningful teaching has become the common thinking of the educators.

Teachers in their daily teaching should firmly establish the following the concept of effective teaching: interesting, useful, effective, form a triangle, making the teacher of classroom teaching can be more meaningful. "Effective" refers to the teaching methods of teachers will enable students to better achieve the three-dimensional target, play a multiplier role in the whole process. Effective teaching is concerned about the progress and development of students, teachers must establish the dominant position of the students, to establish "all the thinking for the development of students. "Interesting" is how the game of teaching, the story of teaching, TPR teaching new teaching methods to mobilize students to participate in classroom activities? "Useful" refers to the learning materials so that students feel valuable. It requires that teachers feel manipulation in the classroom teaching students the knowledge to be able to help them solve real-life problems. Effective teaching requires teachers to have a sense of reflection, and often carry out action research. Require every teacher to reflect on their daily teaching behavior, and continue to improve their teaching.

Effective teaching emphasis on teaching effectiveness, students focus on the progress and development through a period of time in efforts to study under the guidance of the teachers. Effective teaching should include the effectiveness and efficiency at two levels. We know that English teaching in primary schools is the main way of classroom teaching, classroom teaching is embodied in the teaching activities. Therefore, effective classroom activities is a reliable guarantee for successfully achieve teaching objectives. I believe that to improve the effectiveness of primary school English teaching, teachers from the ,英语毕业论文英语论文
