
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

1. Introduction

1.1Research Background
English new curriculum reform in our country puts forward to change the presentsituation that English class pays too much attention to grammar and vocabulary knowledge. Itstresses that language knowledge and ability should be acquired though context experience.The New Curriculum Standard increases the demand of English vocabulary learning forjunior middle school. Level 3 requires students to learn 600-700 words and about 50 idiomsabout topics of the corresponding level. Level 5 has objectives of 1500-1600 words and 200-300 idioms or fixed collocation. And it requires students to understand and grasp the basicmeaning of words and its special meaning in a particular context, and to be able to use wordsto describe things, behavior, characteristics and explain concepts, and so on.Having so many words to learn lets many students feel they have difficulty in learningEnglish words. They think that English words is easy to forget and hard to use. And graduallythey have the fear in English learning. Although some students have good short-term memoryability, they can't remember words for a long time and cannot apply them freely.It is visible that vocabulary teaching is the most basic and important task. Its success orfailure directly decides whether students can complete vocabulary learning tasks inaccordance with the new curriculum standard and also affects the improvement of students’other ability.

1.2 Significance of the Research
In junior middle school, English learning activities are designed according to theprinciple of topic-based teaching. Each unit is set around a topic. The topics lead the studentsto explore the way to learn and use English through experience, practice, participation,cooperation and exchanges. The text is a passage around the theme of each unit, and includessome words about the topic. Through this way of vocabulary teaching, students’ capacity ofvocabulary memory can be improved, because this way conforms to mental lexicon storagecharacteristics of students.For learners, however, the expansion of vocabulary size is not enough. It is thefundamental aim of vocabulary teaching that students can use vocabulary freely in differenttopics or real context. This study aims to improve students' vocabulary collocation and outputability in oral and written communication through integration and innovation.The author tries to prove that in the vocabulary teaching centering on the topic, studentscan quickly extract thematic vocabulary and use it properly. Through this way of teaching,students’ comprehensive language using ability can be improved and their input and outputare optimized.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Vocabulary
So far opinions about the definition of words are divided widely. Word is acombination of sound, form and meaning, and so we can definite it from three aspects ofphonetics, grammar and semantics. Word is the smallest, independently meaningful unit oflanguage. Word is the sound of the language unit and is ranked by phoneme according to therequirements of a particular language. Word is the basic unit of the grammar, which can formwords, phrases, sentences and discourse. Words are arranged into a sentence through certaingrammar, but words ,英语论文范文英语论文
