
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 General Description of the Study
Influenced by some teaching theories in the west, New English SyllabusStandard has been implemented in schools in China. New text books were alsodesigned based on the standard. Thus, meaning-centered teaching method andstudent-centered teaching method are approved and are widely employed in China.However, substantial studies have proved that totally meaning-focusedinstruction is not sufficient for the developing of the learners’ language proficiencyand linguistic competence. Therefore, some solutions have been put up with in orderto compensate for the inadequacies of meaning-focused instruction. Among all thesolutions, Long’s focus on form instruction has received both theoretical andempirical support in recent years.In 1 988 Michael Long in his paper ‘A design feature in language teachingmethodology’ suggested the neither totally form-focused syllabus nor totallymeaning-focused syllabus are effective. Therefore he proposed a third option: focuson form (FOF). Focus on form instruction as Long and Robinson (1998) defined“consists of all occasional shift of attention to linguistic code feature- by the teacheror one or more students”. The main focus of this instruction is on meaning. Theattention to form arises out of meaning-centered activity derived from theperformance of a communicative task.

1.2 Necessity of the Study
Focus on form instruction has been a hot topic for the past decades in secondlanguage acquisition research. There are substantial studies in the West to prove itsimportance and effect both practically and empirically. However, most of the studiesare conducted in English as a second language situation, there are only few studies areconducted in English as a foreign language situation. In China, the focus on forminstruction is mainly studied by language researchers and experts, and among thesestudies few empirical studies on FOF has been conducted(Zhang Xiangcun,2017, it'sjust a questionnaire survey rather than classroom-data-based).Moreover, most of thestudies no matter in China or in the West mainly focus on the study of reactiveFOF(e.g. Liu Xuehui & Zhao Guoxia,2017,Liu Xuehui & Qian Weiwei,2017). Thestudy on preemptive FOF is rare.The present study is motivated by the theories of focus on form. In order tocompensate the shortage of studies on preemptive FOF, the author conducted an empirical research here. According to western researchers, student-initiated FOF morein the classes, and teacher-initiated FOF needs more attention form the languageteachers and researchers, the effectiveness of the two instructions will be comparedpresent study.

Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1 The Definition of From
The term form is always regarded as grammar. However, it is not only aboutgrammar. Focus on form can be aimed at phonology, vocabulary, grammar, discourse,and even spelling (Ellis et al. 2017a). In example 1 following, the focus was on thesegmentation of the phrase above the plate, a phenomenon that is in part phonologicaland in part grammatical. In examples 2 and 3, vocabulary was the focus, the meaningsof the lexical forms landing and sacked. It may appear that these examples representfocus on meaning instead of focus on form, which is ,英语毕业论文英语论文题目
