Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Origin of Study
With the deepening reform of Education and accumulated experience in the world,people increasingly realize the important roles played by teachers in educationalreform. "Teachers are one of the three key factors that determine the success or failureof educationa] reform." And the educational reform has never succeeded “ without theassistance of teachers and their active participation" or “contrary to the wishes ofteachers”,reported clearly by the UNESCO recent study of successf experience ineducational reform. Therefore, the professional development of teachers has been paidmore and more attention. The knowledge structure which teachers possess is the keyto achieve the professional development of teachers. “Since the early 1980s, teachers'knowledge has become a focus issue of the rapid growth of teachers' educationalresearch/’ The researchers have largely expanded the concept of teachers' knowledge,and established a different mode to explore the knowledge needed by teachers foreffective teaching. The focus and depth of these research views made a proposition,"practical knowledge needed by teachers for effective teaching", get the consensus ofresearchers. What's more, there is a growing realization that paying close attention toteachers' personal knowledge has important significance to optimize teachers’teaching practice and enrich teachers' educational theory.
1.2 Aims and Significance of the Study
The stage of being novice teachers is not only an important period of formingteachers' practical knowledge and abilities, but also a critical period of determiningthe success or failure of teachers' professional development in the future. In this stageof teachers' development, novice teachers encounter more difficulties and complexproblems than other career stages of teachers. "No period in teaching career stage,like the early years of teaching work, make teachers doubt their teaching abilities.”iThe fundamenta reason for novice teachers encountering a number of teachingproblems, difficulties and confusions exists in their lack of practical knowledge.Due to the long-term neglect of teachers' practical knowledge in the field ofeducational research, a wide variety of educational reform and teacher educationmode have not achieved a desired result. Therefore, it can be concluded: if teachereducation wants to obtain a satisfactory result,英语论文网站,it will be really beneficial lo theformation of teachers' practical knowledge.Although some theorists have started to notice the cognitive uniqueness in theteaching and appeal to practical knowledge as a starting point of teachers'professional autonomy,because teachers' practical knowledge is known very little bypeople,its research has been relatively weak. Its research that linked with teachereducation and teachers’ professional development only stays in the stage of theoreticaldiscourse.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2-1 Reviews on Teacher Knowledge
In order to know the developmental history of teachers’ practical knowledge, it isessential to refer to the concept of teacher knowledge in this thesis. Differentresearchers and scholars at home and abroad use different focuses and standards tostudy teacher knowledge in,英语论文题目