
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Since the 1970s, the Fourth Educational Revolution with modern educational technology as itscharacteristic has been promoting exploration of new mode and new methods of classroom teaching, andpromoted a new educational revolution in China. Then in the 1990 s, the application of multimediatechnology became one of the characteristics in the computer age. Therefore the application of MAI is theinevitable result of the development of modern science and technology, and has become as an indispensablemeans for English teaching to construct modern open-education model.In the process of English teaching practice in Junior High Schools, MAI was practiced from “playing”in high quality classes to the real English classes. This undoubtedly break the new wood in the reform ofEnglish classroom teaching, and put on a set of new ideas on reforming traditional English teaching model.The New Standard of Curriculum issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education states, the aim ofEnglish teaching at Junior High School is to cultivate students’ competence of communication, that is, theirall-round abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. And multimedia aided teaching lay thefoundation for the teaching model of cultivating students’ capacity on listening, speaking, reading andwriting. With the application of multimedia, the students’ competence of communication, what is theultimate aim of English learning, are practiced in English classroom teaching. Therefore, multimediateaching equipments are widely applied in Middle Schools.

1.2 Research Motivation and Objective
Recently, MAI is widely used in English classroom teaching in almost all the Junior High schools inChina. With the application of MAI, the effect of the English classroom teaching can be improved in manyways, thus MAI are chosen by authorities of more and more schools in the teaching work. However, in theprogress of the MAI application in English classroom, some problems emerge when MAI becomes moreand more popular in ELT. For instance, the multimedia becomes the only subsidiary instrument in Englishclassroom, and other important assisted tools such as real things are ignored by the English teachers. Themultimedia courseware only stresses on information it offer to students, ignoring the essence of Englishteaching. What’s more, the courseware is full of kinds of sounds and photos ,making students’ attentionaway from the subject content. And teachers just play the PPT and ignore students’ reaction, leaving littlespace for students to communicate with each other.The author is a graduating student of English major, and this survey was made during the author’sinternship in LuoHe Experimental Junior High School, where the author found that two experiencedteachers of the same grade and almost the same level applied MAI quite the different way—one use it inevery class while the other seldom use it. Then a plan of survey on the current application of MAI in ELTof the aiming school was brewed and carried out, which attempts to make an investigation of teachers’ andstudents’ opinions about applying MAI in ELT through questionnaires and classroom observation andinterviews. Then problems embedded in the process of MAI application in ELT of the aiming school will beshowed with all of the data, and ways to solve these probl,英语论文网站英语论文范文
