Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
English is a basic and compulsory subject in junior high schools in China, and ifwe consider English as a foreign language all over the world, reading is one of the mostimportant reasons why students learn the language. “For many students, reading is byfar the most important of the four skills in a second language, particularly in English asa second or foreign language” (Carrel, 1987:1) .However, reading in middle schools isstill going on in a lower level. The students often complain that they spend lots of timeand efforts in reading but benefit little from it, which discourages them a lot. Whilereading, the students often meet many difficulties. Although they struggle to get rid ofthe trouble, they still harvest little from their efforts.Many Chinese English teachers usually adopt the traditional teaching modelwhich is based on grammar-translation method in English reading classes. Thegrammar-translation approach is characterized by teacher-centered instruction andgrammar teaching, it views sentences as the basic element of a language which consistof a series of describable rules. Readers should master these rules and know largeenough vocabulary so that they can translate accurately and quickly from their mothertongue to foreign language and vice versa. This model has many disadvantages: learnerscannot understand the text as a whole. They only focus on the study of words andsentences in isolation but not their function and meaning in the text, and they only wantto know the words and the use of language; besides, reading strategies are also neglected. While in the English reading classes, students often read a text intensivelyalong with the teacher; whenever they encounter a new word, they will look it up in thedictionary. They want to know all the details in the text and neglect the main ideas in thetext. They don’t know there are several strategies and certain theories that can assisttheir reading comprehension.From the above reasons, it shows that traditional teaching approach is noteffective and appropriate for English reading teaching. Students who are trained underthose traditional methods get a poor achievement in reading comprehension. So certainreform should be implemented.
1.2 Purpose of the study
In the traditional teaching English reading class in junior high school, the teachingand learning activities are centered on the recognition process of letters, words andgreater units of language. In class, the teachers keep talking while the students are busytaking notes. The new “syllabus for junior English” was promulgated by China’sDepartment of Education, in which learner’s language level are graded according todifferent demands. The syllabus stipulates clearly that our teaching aim is “to train thestudents to have a higher level of comprehension in reading…” (Wang Zhiguo, 2017).Reading plays a domin