Chapter 1 Introduction 引言
1.1 Significance and purpose of the present study 本探讨的意义和目的
Since the early 1900s, there have appeared a lot of teaching methods and approaches in foreignlanguage teaching, such as Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-lingual method, LexicalApproach, Natural Approach, Oral & Situational Language Teaching, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, TotalPhysical Response, Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based Language Teaching, whole languageteaching, whole person teaching, whole brain teaching and so on. Now, many teachers are aware that thereis no best method which is applicable everywhere, as more and more language teachers and researchershave found its complexity and realize that it varies greatly from one context to another, and therefore it isdifficult to succeed in language teaching only relying on a single method or approach, and foreign languageteaching has come into a new era: postmethod era.Nowadays in China, the prevailing English teaching methods in schools and institutions of all levelsare mainly Grammar Translation Method, Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based LanguageTeaching according to the survey by officials in Ministry of Education. Through many years’ practice, wehave made great achievements in the popularization of English, but we must confront the new challenge inthe global times, especially English education in middle school stage, as English teaching in middle schoolstage is in a transitional period, which will directly affect learning afterwards. Postmethod put forward byKumaravadivelu can be regarded as a milestone in the history of foreign language teaching methods. In hisframework, he conceptualizes a three-dimensional parameter and ten macrostrategies with suggestions forimplementing them.According to Kumaravadivelu’s theory, this thesis is to study the application of the postmethodpedagogy, specifically some microstrategies based on its ten macrostrategies in middle school Englishteaching practice in order to find the inadequacies in current teaching practice and offer new perspectives toimprove it.
1.2 Structure of the thesis 论文结构
This thesis consists of five parts: introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion,and conclusion. The first part, introduction, mainly indicates the significance and purpose of the presentstudy. The author then briefly introduced the general organization of the whole thesis. In chapter two, theauthor reviewed the relevant literature in relation to teaching methods and approaches, and postmethodpedagogy in particular, both home and abroad. In chapter three, the author presented a detailed researchmethodology, including the design of research questions, research subjects, research instruments,procedures of data collection and data analysis. Next, in chapter four, the author presented the resultsrelating to the research questions and engaged in some discussions. Finally, chapter five is conclusion,consisting of major findings, pedagogical implications and some limitations and suggestions for futurestudies.
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