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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One   Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
Writing is usually attached great importance and should be thought highly of by us  EFL  (English  as  a  Foreign  Language)  teachers  and  learners.  Harmer(2017) indicates  that  writing  encourages  students  to  focus  on  accurate  language  usage  and reflective thinking of students during the writing process. It has been one of the most powerful ways to intensify learners’ language learning. The ability to write is crucial to an English learner. Writing along with speaking, belongs to the production skills; it is  believed  to  help  students  internalize  the  target  language  (Wang  Chuming,  2017). Students’  fundamental  ability  of  listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing  are  to  be trained  to  achieve  the  purpose  of  English  teaching  in  senior  middle  high  school;  in order to develop students' ability of using English, improving their writing skills is a must.  However,  writing  has  always  been  a  great  challenge  for  senior  high  school students, for the phenomenon that students think there is nothing to write about and it is difficult for them to learn to write, while teachers find it weary and tedious to teach something  about  writing.  Although  students  have  been  studying  for  years  and  also have written many essays, yet there is still little progress (Dai Weidong,英语论文网站英语论文题目,2017;Zhou Yan,  2017).  In  middle  school  English  teaching  in  China,  the  teaching  of  writing  is always  the  weakness  in  the  English  teaching  in  senior  high  school.  Teachers’ feedback  about  students’  article  (product)  usually  comes  to  a  simple  mark  or corrections  which  mainly  focus  on  spelling,  grammar  mistakes,  transitional  words, coherence  and  so  on,  instead  of  students’  ideas  and  comprehensive  writing  ability. This writing process is almost like mechanic imitation, so the result is that students still do not know how to write after some time of training, and the students’ creativity is  suppressed,  making  many  students  eventually  lose  interest  and  confidence  in  it (Teng Chunhong, 1993). 

1.2 The purpose of the study 
The purpose of this study is to examine how the process writing approach works in  EFL  writing  class  in  senior  high  schools;  whether  it  is  able  to  improve  students’ writing skills and ability; whether the process approach is a valuable method for EFL teachers who want to improve the writing of their students. Particularly, the students’ writing performance and grades before and after carrying out the process approach is compared. &
