Chapter One Introduction
1.1Background of the Research
English, as an international language, plays an important role in internationaltrade and daily life. The social informatization and economic globalization make itmore important. English as a kind of language is one of the most importantinformation carriers and the widely used languages in every field. Many countries inthe world regard English education as one of the most necessary parts in thedevelopment of elementary education. Listening and reading English materials aretwo of the basic English learning targets. English writing and speaking abilities areused for providing and communicating information. Therefore, English writing andspeaking are more important for communication in the globalizing world. At present,English teaching includes listening, speaking, reading, writing in vocational college.The importance of writing is stressed by many scholars. As Jeremy Harmer (2017) hassaid in his book How to Teach English, “Writing as a skill: by far the most importantreason for teaching writing is that it is a basic language skill”. Therefore, writing isthe basement of the other three language skills. Thus, the enhancement of writing skillcan result in the development of listening, speaking and reading skills.
1.2Objectives and Significance of the Research
The main objective of this study is to put the two writing strategies — textrecitation and text retelling into vocational college teaching and learning practice tocompare the effects of the two strategies on improving students’ writing ability. Thisstudy is based on Krashen’s input hypothesis, Swain’s output hypothesis andconstructivism. This research is carried out among two equal classes in ShandongRadio and Television University. One class applies to text recitation strategy; and theother carries out text retelling strategy. After one semester, the effects of textrecitation and retelling on vocational college writing are compared. Thus, thisresearch tries to investigate the following three questions:Firstly, what is vocational college learners’ attitude towards text recitation andtext retelling and how about their present writing situation?Secondly, is there any significant difference of learners’ English writingcompetence in the two classes after the experiment? And in what aspects do they havedifferences?Thirdly, which strategy has more effects on the improvement of learners’integralwriting competence, text recitation or text retelling?
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Recitation and Retelling
Recitation and retelling are two learning strategies. They have been used formany years and their advantages and disadvantages have been argued by manyresearchers. As for the definition of the two strategies, different researchers havedifferent ideas. In the following sections, the definitions of the two strategies areintroduced.The definition of recitation in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-ChineseDictionary explains recitation as an act of saying aloud a piece of poetry or literaturethat you have learned. Most researchers support that the essence of recitation is acomprehensible input which is first put forward by Krashen. Deng Liming (2017)thinks that recitation is a kind of conscious language input. Students can graduallyaccumulate some language knowledge and text organization skills in writing byrecitation, based on whi,英语论文范文,英语论文 |