
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
The New Curriculum Standard ofEnglish Teaching sets standards for linguistic skills, linguistic knowledge, emotionalattitude, language learning strategy and cross-culture consciousness. Linguistic skills referto listening, speaking, reading and writing. Linguistic knowledge includes pronunciation,vocabulary, grammar, function and topic. Emotional attitudes mean interests, motivation,self-confidence, willingness, cooperation and other aspects that influence the learningprocess and effects of the students. Language learning strategy is the various actions andsteps taken to effectively learn and use languages. Cross-cultural consciousness includescultural knowledge, cultural understanding, cross-cultural communication awareness andcompetence. Of course, it is generally agreed that the traditional teacher-centeredinstruction can not meet the need of the New Curriculum Standard of English Teaching.Actually, many defects exist in the traditional idea of education. Traditional conception ofeducation focuses on knowledge and teachers. There is an urgent need for the teachers toadopt a new concept of education. According to the theory of the Multiple Intelligence, thestudents are the center of class, which corresponds with the requirement of the NewCurriculum Standard of English Teaching. Fortunately, the theory of Multiple Intelligenceput forward by Howard Gardner in 1983 highlights the student-centered instruction.Gardner believes that intelligence is a person’s ability to solve problems and make products(Gardner, 1983, 1993). Gardner set several criteria for intelligence.

1.2 Significance of the Study
The paper tries to clarify that the theory of Multiple Intelligence corresponds with theNew Curriculum Standard of English Teaching. It can direct the English teachers about howto improve the students’English learning. As we all know, the purpose of English teachingis not merely to pass the exam, but to master the comprehensive knowledge of the Englishlanguage.Due to the economic globalization, China has greatly increased the interaction withother countries. English is functioned as the international language, so there is a greatdemand for people with excellent English. Of course, those people should not only masterproficient linguistic knowledge, but also possess abundant cultural knowledge. The theoryof Multiple Intelligence includes eight important intelligences, which embraces linguistic,cultural and other aspects.Since the defeats of the teacher-centered education have been greatly recognized, theeducators try to promote the student-centered education. The MI-based teaching stresses thestudent-centered education. As mentioned above, every student has their better developedintelligences, so every student can learn well as long as the teacher can find and developthem. Therefore, this study gives the teachers a good direction about the teaching methodand educational philosophy.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Research on English Teaching in Senior High School
Thus, thefundamental measure is to cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability. It isrequired that the educators should pay attention to training students' ability of collectingand handling information.,英语论文范文英语毕业论文
