Chapter One Introduction
1.1The Need for the Study
Assessment plays an important role in English teaching At present in our dailyteaching , summative Assessment is still regarded as the most common way to assessstudents, Schools and teachers tend to judge a student mainly by his or her grades orachievement in the examinations, which is especially not suitable for thestudents,especially for the students in some low-level classes.So summative assessment isbecoming more and more limited in assessing students. According to the new EnglishCurriculum Standards (ECS), apart from language knowledge and skills, learningstrategies, attitudes and cultural consciousness etc. should be developed and tested. While,the functions of formative assessment are consistent with the aims of the ECS. therefore,the formative assessment is being developed rapidly nowadays and accepted by more andmore middle school teachers. That’s because formative assessment focuses on students’learning process, monitors the students’ progress and provides the teachers with a constantinformation stream about whether their teaching and the students’ learning are efficient.Besides, using formative assessment in senior English classes can help the senior studentsmaster effective learning strategies, develop learning motivation and attitude and finallyimprove their English achievement.
1.2 The Purposes of the Study
As we know, there exist a lot of problems and weaknesses in traditional assessments.Traditional evaluation system has become an obstacle of students’ English learning. Forthis reason, the author carried out the research and tried to prove whether using formativeassessment in English classes can help the senior students master effective learningstrategies, develop learning motivation and attitude and finally improve their Englishachievement. It has been assumpted that formative assessment may be more effective inmany aspects such as, getting the students to use meta-cognitive strategies, strengtheningtheir motivation, forming good learning habit and having positive attitude. As a result ofdoing formative assessment , the students’ sense of achievement can be developed. andthey will become more active in class and they can evaluate themselves correctly. Aboveall, students will have more confidence in themselves. All in all.the research may behelpful to develop the students as a “whole person”.The author also intended to find moreeffective approaches to using formative assessment in English classes, including recordsof students’ behaviour , classroom observation, interviews, questionnaires, andportfolios, etc.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 An Introduction to Assessment
As the world is becoming a global village, English is becoming more and moreimportant in our school courses and our daily life. In senior middle schools, Englishteaching aims to further cultivate the students' ability of using the English language. Theability is based on language knowledge, language skills, attitude towards learning, learningstrategies and culture awareness etc. The English teachers should focus on the developmentof every individual, developing their ability of applying knowledge, inspiring theircreativity, realizing their potentials and encouraging them to study actively and cooperatingwith others. To achieve the goal, Assessment plays an important part in adva,英语论文题目,英语论文题目