
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Nowadays, our country is more concerned than ever the national basic Education, and the basic task ofelementary education is to focus on the foundation of the students’ comprehensive development.In theEnglish reading teaching in senior high schools, English teaching reform is an important symbol for the"New Curriculum Standards for High School English Course". Some provinces including Guangdong,Hainan, Ningxia and Sandong are considered as the initial experiment areas of the "New CurriculumStandards for High School English Course" on the basis of unified planning of the Ministry of Educationof China in 2017. Soon afterwards, the experiment subsequently expands to other provinces such as Anhui, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Fujian and Zejiang and so forth. This reform is a most aggressive and profoundinfluence on the education reform since the establishment of the nation.

1.2 Purpose for the Present Study
English education in our country has made gratifying progress through 140 years of history. However,existing problems are also obvious. When it comes to English education in China, TBLT once regarded itas a time-consuming work with lower education concepts and backward and weak teaching quality. It isobvious that there is still a big gap between the demands of the era development and the status quo ofEnglish education. In the real English classroom reading teaching in senior high schools, most of thestudents in the reading process can't use effective reading methods and reading skills to hunt usefulinformation, and finally make the right reasoning and judgment. Obviously, the senior high school Englishreading teaching has experienced more changes than before, but there are still a lot of unreasonable work atpresent. First and foremost, “the course reform of the foundation education outline( try the line)” putsforward some reasons. This situation is due to out- dated education concepts, systems and teachingcontents, which is difficult to reflect the new content of the development of modern society, science andtechnology. The senior high school English teaching materials or patterns are short of diversity,selectiveness and flexibility. Then, misunderstanding and backward teaching mode exist in readingteaching in senior high schools. The teaching “knowledge” pattern is still prevalent in English languageclassroom teaching in senior high schools in our country due to misunderstanding of the nature of language.

Chapter 2 Literature Review of the Research

2.1 An Overview of Task
A number of key concepts related to task should be defined in order to better know the theory andapplication of TBLT in English reading class in senior high schools. As a matter of fact, task has no unifieddefinition. Different persons have different views on how to define the task. Anyway, the experts in thefield of second language teaching still have analogous ideas about it.Long (1985:89) holds a view of task in a broad sense:“A task is a kind of work undertaken for oneselfor for others,英语论文题目,liberally or for some reward. Thus, examples of tasks contain painting a barrier,dressing achild.filling out a form…and assisting someone pass a road. In other words,英语论文, task is meant the hundredand one things people done in everyday life at work or at play, and in between.”Prabhu (1987:24)
