
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter 1 Introduction

English, as one of the most dominant carrier and tool forinformation and cultural exchange, has become increasingly important. In China, English has been made a compulsory subject in many schools from primary to higher education. English in senior school is of great importance because it is a practical and necessary part for students to have the chance to communicate with it in their real life and get higher education. However, there is no denying the fact that English in senior school is one ofthe most difficult and time-consuming but low efficiency subject at present,especially schools in mountainous areas like Hanbin District in Ankang. As a foreign language for Chinese students, English learning is influenced by many factors. Among these factors are students' language learning strategies (LLS) and teachers' assessment. Pioneers since1970s have been aware that LLS have the potential to be “an extremely powerfol learning tool” (Hashenmi, Masoud Hashemi, 2017:280). Hence it is urgent to find ways to promote students English language learning strategies and learning efficiency. Although much progress has been made in researches on students’ English language learning strategies and education assessment respectively, the relevance between the both are rare, let alone the effects of formative assessment on students' English learning strategies in senior school. So in this research, the author just tries to seek for the methods to study the effects of formative assessment on senior students' English learning strategies and make up for the blank. The following are situations for the research.


1.1 Background of the research

1.1.1 Necessities for study LLS in the research school
With the growth of the scale of English education, large quantities of manpower,material and funds has been poured into it,but English in senior schools is still expectedto be improved, especially the rural schools in remote mountainous areas. It is the samewith Wuli Senior School. Located in a small rural town where only 20 minutes or so totake a bus to downtown of the city of Ankang, it is a big challenge for the school because it is more likely for students who do well in their academic performance to choose suburbschools that can provide better facilities and better environment to promote. Thefollowing is the comparison of academic achievements for students to be enrolled in thethree senior schools in the city of Ankang from 2017 to 201 l(Statistic only).
From the above, it can safely confirm that English teaching and learning in thisschool really matters. Like many other schools,英语论文,some students in the research school do really well in their English, while some others have suffered a lot no matter how theyconstantly try. Gradually, those students who don't do well in English are more likely tolose their self-confidence and self-esteem(Chainot, 1994),and what's worse, they won'ttry their best in this subject
