
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
It is the main way of acquiring language information, and provides a basis for other skills. But it is also the most difficult skill for learners to master. Many learners are afraid of English listening, treating it as a more difficult skill than the others. And listening is an important part in College Entrance Examination and is directly related to the senior high school students' future career. Therefore, it becomes more important for English teachers to teach English listening and to make it easier for students.


1.1.1 The Background of English Listening
Listening is very important in our daily communication. Research demonstrates that people spend 70 percent of their waking time in some form of communication. Of that time, 11 percent is spent in writing, 15 percent reading, 32percent talking, and 42 to 57 percent listening (Cooper 1995). Obviously it is an important way of communication and an important way to acquire knowledge and information.The improvement of senior high school students' listening ability is very helpful to the development of their abilities of speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, to improve the students' listening ability in senior high school is of great importance. Under the New Curriculum Criteria (NCC),the goal of beaming English for studentsin senior high school in China is to communicate with others in it. It has high requirement for listening comprehension, since it plays an important role in English learning.



However, for a long time the training of English listening has not been placed inproper position in traditional teaching and thus listening has long been a weak point.Many students think that listening is one of the most difficult parts in English study,and some of them even have difficulty in understanding what their teachers teach inEnglish. Since the development of students' listening ability has become the demandof the New English Curriculum Standard, more attention has been focused onteaching English listening than before.How to increase the students' listening ability and how to improve students'performance in English listening examinations have become the subjects that seniorhigh school teachers care about. Since the traditional teaching method can't improvethe students' listening ability effectively and it may lower the students' interest inEnglish listening, some better methods must be taken to change the situation. Thus,the author tries to apply some listening strategies in English listening classes toachieve the goals.

1.1.2 The Background of Listening Strategies and Listening Predicting
StrategiesThe reason why many Chinese students regard the listening test as the mostdifficult part of a whole test is that they are not trained to use effective listeningstrategies to improve their listening proficiency. So it is essential to instruct somelistening strategies to change the situati
