Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The current situation of HVE in China
最近,中国高等职业教育(以下简称变速)见证了戏剧性的发展和扩张由于不断增加的社会需求的专业人才。体育,作为一个必不可少的组成部分,中国高等教育中扮演着重要的角色在经济发展的过程。大学毕业生的就业能力,是高等职业教育关注的一个问题是劳动力市场变化越来越迅速响应快速的技术变化和日益全球化。这是特别相关的基础学科如英语。英语教育具有战略地位的体育系统内部,因为它承诺国际化世界观我们的学生。就业能力的探讨必须考虑到什么程度uatesstart大学教育可以帮助探讨生生涯。不少调查发布了公开表明,传统的课程和做准备工作的毕业生不充分。毕业生具备更多的知识比要求但缺乏重要的能力和转移能力,就业市场需求(Hennemann& Liefner,2017)。这可能部分通过引入与工作相关的任务型语言教学对体育英语课。
Recently, Chinese higher vocational Education (hereinafter referred to as HVE) haswitnessed dramatic development and expansion due to the constantly increasing social demandsfor professional talents. HVE, as an indispensable component of Chinese tertiary education,plays an important role in the process of economic development. The employability of collegegraduates is a concern in higher vocational education as labor markets change more and morerapidly in response to fast technological changes and increased globalization. This is ofparticular relevance for the basic subjects such as English. English education has a strategicposition within the system of HVE, as it promises internationalized world view of our students.Studies on employability have to consider to what degree a college education helps graduatesstart a career. Not a few surveys issued publicly indicate that the traditional curricula did notnecessarily prepare the graduates adequately for their jobs. The graduates possess moreknowledge than required but lack important competences and transferable skills that the jobmarket demands (Hennemann& Liefner, 2017). This may be partly remedied by the introductionof work-related task-based language teaching to HVE English classes.
1.2 The main problems existing in HVE English teaching
English is a compulsory course required by HVE syllabus. In its development process,thecourse has encountered the following problems: Firstly, the unclarity of teaching objectives andgoals ; the second is the impracticality of teaching content; thirdly,the backwardness of teachingapproaches and methods; fourthly, weak and single structured teacher resources (ZhaoXiangling, 2017). Unclarity in teaching objectives affects not only the quality of Englishteaching,but also the students' movement of employment after graduation, which makesstudents feel at loss when they step into the workplace. And traditional rationale of Englisheducation has such a deep root in vocational English teaching that it rigidly limits the classroommodel and prevents it from work-oriented ideas or concerning market requirements. Theyusually focus on imparting knowledge of the language, neglecting the development of languageability (Yan Jing,英语毕业论文,2017). Realizing the problems resulted in advocating for more sufficientvocational English teaching model. It has become a top priority for current researches to find out how to break the confrontation of traditional discipline-based teaching model,英语论文题目,and constructwork-related English teaching model by integrating language leaching and professional trainingto increase the graduates' compatibility in prospective job market.
1.3 Significance and Objectives
Many efforts have been made in the “FYI cooperation" curriculum reform as aconsequence of Chinese HVE paradigm turning to work-related models (Jiang Dayuan,2017).Based on Chinese national condition and market requirements for the graduates, the objective ofvocational Englis