
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
With the development of science and technology, computers have been widely used in our daily life,especially in the field of education. Since computer technology offers a new and advanced teachingmethod, multimedia-assisted language teaching has become an irresistible trend. Under such circumstances,English teaching is provided with a great deal of opportunities and challenges. And we should seize thischance to change the original single teaching model which is dominated by teacher talk with the help ofmultimedia and network.The traditional English teaching model has such disadvantages as time-consuming blackboard-writing,little interaction between teachers and students, limited information offered in the class. What is more, it isalmost impossible for the traditional English teaching model to construct an authentic learning environmentthat is of vital significance for the students’ language learning. In view of this, it is essential for teachers toassist their traditional English teaching with multimedia courseware.PowerPoint (PPT), a multimedia courseware, has more advantages than traditional teaching methods.Students’ senses, such as visual and audio senses are stimulated by various kinds of semiotic resources,such as text, pictures and sound. Multimodal discourse analysis which is developed at the end of the 20thcentury in the West and based on Halliday’s systemic functional linguistics, refers to the phenomenon ofusing various senses, such as auditory, visual and touch senses to present meaning through different kindsof semiotic system, such as verbal, image, sound, action. PPT is a kind of new forms of text in which words,typography, color, sound and pictures and other semiotic resources are woven together to make meaning asa consequence of technology innovation and social change. Multimodality is one of the main characteristicsof PPT which can combine multiple modes together to convey meaning. Multimodal PPT assisting Englishteaching has become a popular trend and is advocated by many scholars and educators. Moreover, theNational English Curriculum Standard of Senior High School issued in 2017 points out that the teachersshould make full use of modern educational technology to enrich teaching resources and enlarge the way oflearning English. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers of senior high school to apply multimodal PPTwhich can integrate static resources (text, graphs and pictures) with dynamic resources (music, audio andvideo) to their teaching. Multimodal PPT, a supplement of the traditional English teaching, stimulating thestudents’ senses by multiple modes, enhances the students’ input. It has the function of not only arousingthe students’ interests but also constructing a real English learning environment. , PPT hasunparalleled advantages and injected new vitality into English teaching compared with traditional Englishteaching methods. Therefore, PPT will naturally be widely used in senior high school English teaching.Research in this area should be strengthened to increase the effectiveness of teaching.

1.2 Aims and Significance of the Research

It should be admitted that many researchers and educators have made their efforts to apply PPT to,英语论文
