
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Chapter 1 Introduction

At present, most Chinese students in high school mainly learn English in classroom. The classroomteaching is still the dominating way for students to acquire knowledge. And the classroom teaching is themain approach to imparting knowledge for teachers. So the importance of teacher questioning isself-evident in the process of teaching. On one hand, the interactive classroom could make the students feelthe process of teaching totally and truly. On the other hand, it is by teacher questioning that the knowledgecould be transferred between teachers and students. During the process of transferring, teacher questioningis the most important part. So it is the main research aspect of this thesis.

1.1 Research Background
According to requirement from “English course standard for the middle school”, English teachingshould be available to all the students. And teachers should pay attention to the quality education, enhancethe practical ability and cultivate the students’ innovative spirit. “The quality education is benefit to thephysical and mental condition of the students, let the student develop the language ability through thelanguage practice activities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating and cultivate thepsychological quality and usage language quality as the core of communication ability”. (Ge Bingfang,2017) “Teacher questioning is the main channel for the implementation of quality education and the key ofteaching efficiency”. (Yao Limin, 2017)Considering the situation of English teaching in China, one phenomenon can be found that the learnershave few chances to realize the practical communication in English both inside and outside of theclassroom. It means that teacher in the classroom teaching is the only source for learners to expose to thecircumstance of using the language. However, for teachers, the questions are the main ways to respond tothe students. Although many learners are improving the methods of learning English with the improvementof science and technology, it is still vital to do the research to the situation of teacher questioning indifferent stage for the Chinese senior high schools’ English classroom to improve the teaching effects. Sorealizing its great value, the author endeavors to make the tentative study to this field.Although in recent years, teacher questioning in classroom has been concerned by more and morescholars and experts, they mainly researched the types of teacher questioning, the principles and strategiesof improving the efficiency of questioning. And the previous researchers mostly adopt questionnaire orinterview, but for the practical teaching means---teacher questioning, it isn’t accurate to know about theproblem just using the form of questionnaire or interviews aiding to analyze and solve the problems.And under the new curriculum reform to education and teaching, the study on the theory of the newrequirements to the senior high school in the English classroom questioning is very little though the Englishteachers in the practical teaching have done a lot of discussions and researches on this respect. Combiningwith the practical education teaching, the teachers also put forward many specific methods and strategiesimproving the efficiency of English classroom questioning, but often lack t,英语论文网站英语论文
