谈谈如何提高高中英语听、说、读、写能力How to improve your English in the classroom[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Middle school English teaching should focus on training students' reading ability on the basis of comprehensive training their listening, speaking, reading and basic skills, write to improve the ability of students to use English knowledge. This is not only required by the quality of educational theory, the ultimate goal of English teaching.

Text of teaching is the key to teaching English. But in the process of English teaching, and how text teaching of comprehensive training to listen, speaking, reading and writing skills requirements? Text one of the purposes of teaching is the complete text teaching, the learning of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and sentence patterns to organically combine the ability to train students to use English communication. Therefore, to achieve the ultimate goal of English teaching in the teaching process, we must seize the text teaching, listening, say, read and write in all aspects comprehensively push forward.

First,teaching and listening skills training
Listen, the first of the four basic skills in English teaching, it is not only an ability, but also learned the skills and means of a language. Learning of any language are inseparable from the listening and the development of language skills is to listen, will say.
Listen to occupy such an important position in English learning, how to listen to the ability of training throughout the text teaching? In the text teaching, auditory training around some form of language, mainly in listening. In accordance with the teaching requirements, some basic skills in the text teaching auditory training plays an important role, for example, the "in-depth understanding of the text in the Text Teaching ability and listening skills in the" seize the theme of the effect, "to identify the discourse tag "skills training has a secret, regardless of the relationship. Refers to the skills of listening to the skills to identify discourse markers discourse markers, such as for example, however, in the continuation of the other Word and determine the context and topic, and turning skills, these skills in the text teaching, teachers should help students understand how for the generality of the sentence, where the discourse marker and discourse, so as to achieve the purpose of promoting the development of auditory skills through text teaching.

Second, the text of teaching and speaking skills training
Learning a language, the ultimate aim is to use of the language to communicate, either orally or in writing. The purpose of English teaching in secondary schools is to train students to use English for oral or written communication ability, and therefore said that skills training is an important means to train students' communicative competence.

Text teaching training skills at the best language materials, and teachers during the text teaching, in order to achieve said skills training, first of all to follow as far as possible the use of English and the appropriate use of mother tongue "principles for students in middle school English teaching create a classroom atmosphere for learning English, usually as much as possible to talk in English and students to help students to establish the confidence to speak English; in Text Teaching should give full play to the teaching materials close to the student life and social reality, content-rich and interesting features, design based on the content of the text locale, language for,英语论文英语论文范文
