
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
The vocational English writing intends to cultivate and enhance students’comprehensive English application abilities, especially the ability to use English todeal with daily and foreign business activities. Boosting the students’ comprehensivelanguage competence is one of the ultimate goals of English teaching. English writingis a core skill for vocational students to master and this skill is difficult for them.However, because of the high frequency of English writing use in daily life andworking time, this skill should be taken seriously by the students and teachers. In2017, The Ministry of Education promulgated The Fundamental Requirements forEnglish Teaching in Vocational Colleges, which specified the requirements of writingability for students in vocational college: students should be capable of writing acomposition of 80-100 words on a given topic in 30 minutes; be capable of simulatingshort practical writing and filling in the blanks with practical writing, e.g. filling informs and documents as well as simulating resume, notice and letters with correctwords and sentences, proper layout and clear expressions without serious grammaticalmistakes.Therefore, how to increase students’ English writing capacity, how to seek out amethod that is consistent with the basic requirements of vocational English teaching,fits a pattern of work-integrated learning education, and is suitable for students’ actualsituation of the effective methods of English writing teaching has attracted wideattention of experts and scholars. But till today, there is still a great discrepancyamong the level of the vocational students. Many experts have attempted numerousmethods through teaching practice to improve the capacity of the students’ Englishwriting. This study adopted the English writing teaching methods of recitation,imitation, and association based on Memetics theory. The purpose of this study is tofind a suitable approach for the teaching of vocational college English writing.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
Memetics presents a new theory which can enrich English writing teaching forthe teachers to use more methods to enhance students’ English writing competence.According to the four stages of meme life cycle, language recitation should be firstlyadvocated. Imitation has a positive impact on language learning and association canenlighten students to learn and master language flexibly. The four-stage processes ofmeme are good for English writing teaching, so the method of recitation, imitationand association should be encouraged in the English teaching process. Besides, somepapers about Memetics have been published, most of papers are restricted to theintroductions of Memetics and assumptions or suggestions on pragmatics and foreignlanguage teaching, but relatively few papers are empirical and systematic studies onMemetics applied to vocational English writing.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Researches on Memetics Theory
The New Oxford Dictionary of English describes meme as: “Meme is an elementof a culture or system of behavior, which may be passed from one unit to another unitby imitation.”Meme is the core term of Memetics, means the things to be imitated which reig,英语论文网站英语论文
