
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
As an international language, English is becoming increasingly important in thecultural and economic exchanges, so more and more people have to learn Englishwriting for academic or occupational reasons. As college English learning isbecoming progressively popular with the Chinese students, the teaching and learningof English writing has inevitably attracted great attention.English writing as one of the four basic skills is a critical medium of humancommunication to express feelings, attitudes and exchange information by usingwritten symbols in our daily life. Moreover, for the students, on one hand, Englishwriting can reflect students’ overall mastery of English well; on the other hand,English writing is a great way to learn English. In fact, students can reinforce thegrammatical structures, idioms, and vocabulary that they have learned before duringtheir writing (Raimes, 1983). Liu Runqing (1999) says that “among the four basiclanguage skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), writing is the only skill thatcan really show a language learner’s language competence”. So, writing is areinforcement process of English learning. It is no doubt that writing exercises canstrengthen and assist students’ English learning and improve their Englishcompetence.

1.2 Purpose of the Study
With a view to the vocational college English writing teaching situationmentioned above, it is vital and critical to find a more effective instruction for Englishwriting improvement. By reviewing literature on the teaching of English writing, theauthor found that the random access instruction may be more effective in Englishwriting teaching in vocational college. So in the study, random access instruction inEnglish writing is introduced as a new way to improve EFL writing in vocationalcolleges. An empirical study is made by the author, aiming to investigate theeffectiveness of the random access instruction when it is applied to writing teaching invocational colleges. The result of this research aims to make tentative proposals onthe shift of traditional teaching method to the random access instruction in Englishwriting hopefully. The study aims to answer the following three questions: Is random access instruction effective in improving vocational collegestudents’ English writing competence? Which is more effective in improving vocational college students’ English writings, random access instruction or traditional teaching method? What effects does random access instruction have on students’ Englishwriting interest and attitude?The author hopes that this study might offer some enlightenment for vocationalcollege English writing teaching.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Random Access Instruction
In China, traditional teaching method has dominated the English writing class fora few decades. During the traditional English writing instruction, the teacher teachesthe students to write paragraphs or essays by imitating sample writings. Theinstruction is limited to the phrase and sentence level and emphasizes on the finalproduct of the writing, so it is called product approach. It neglects the basic functionof writing: the creation and the communicative interaction.Writing is an activ,英语毕业论文英语论文题目
