Chapter One Introductio
1.1 Research Background
With the increasing economic globalization, traditional reading and writing literacy can’tmeet the needs of learners any more. The methods of students accept the knowledge hastransformed from traditional reading and writing behavior into multiliteracy behavior. As a newidea of literacy, ability of multiliteracies has attracted wide publicity.The new London Group, which is consisting of some famous linguists from American,British and Australia, put forward the idea of ability of multiliteracies in 1994. They believe thatculture exists in various forms and can operate through multiple symbol system, such aslanguage, image, sound, painting etc. So people should activate the auditory, visual, tactile andother channels to obtain the knowledge.Through a brief review of relevant studies on multimodal and multiliteracy at home andabroad, we can notice that the foreign scholars mainly focus on the field of visual, images andlanguages; while the domestic researches mostly focus on some concentrated fields. However,whether domestic or foreign researches on multiliteracy, they are rarely study on the role ofMultiliteracies pedagogy in college English reading teaching.This thesis not only studies on Multiliteracies pedagogy, but also put more perspectives onpedagogy in college English teaching of reading. Traditional literacy pedagogy is “teaching andlearning to read and write in page-bound, official, standard forms of the national language”.Today, college English reading teachers are required not only to master the relevant theoreticalknowledge about multiliteracies but also to have a general idea about current students’ ability ofmultiliteracies. Furthermore, the thesis will enable college teachers of English reading rethinktheir pedagogies. The thesis also provides some valuable researches on teaching practices ofEnglish reading.
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance
Nowadays, our society changed deeply; thus methods of communication have diversified accordingly. Meanwhile, English reading teaches are required to adapt to the changes of oursociety. The quickening globalization and the development of new media products andtechnology make the new method of literacy. Traditional reading and writing literacy has alreadychanged deeply. Students do not understand the concept just through the language; they alsoneed audio-visual literacy, the Internet-based literacy and the reading and writing literacy and soon in the information age. So literacy in the information age is multicultural, multilingual andmultimodal, and its reconceptualization as multiliteracies has brought many English teachingproblems and teaching implications that will help literacy learners create a better understandingand learning environment, and make them adapt to it in the information era (Lotherington 2017).The way of accepting the knowledge transformed from transitional reading and writing literacyto multiliteracies. The ability of multiliteracies is a very important ability in the information age.So every college students in the modern society need to become multiliterate. The ability ofmultiliteracies will help the college students adapt to the multicultural and multimodal societymore easily. As a result, the English teachers in college need to change their pedagogies and tryto cultivate college ,英语毕业论文,英语论文范文