
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background
As the multi-polarization, economic globalization and network informatizationbloom into an irreversible trend of development, the cooperation, interaction and mutualdevelopment among countries have become the themes of the present era. This makesintercultural communication extend all over every aspect of people's work and life. Withregard to the political field, the communication and association between leaders orgroups on behalf of countries or national leagues decide the formulation, plan,deployment and realization of political strategies of those countries. In the economicfield, the increasingly frequent activities of multinational trade, investment andmanagement prove to be important engines of economic growth as well as a truereflection of comprehensive national strength. With regard to the knowledge field, as animportant way to promote human civilization, studying abroad and internationalacademic exchanges prevail worldwide incessantly. With regard to the field of cultureand art, intercultural exchanges in this field contribute to the improvement of friendshipbetween nations, and mutual respect, understanding, tolerance and assimilation betweencultures, which further promote interaction and cooperation in other fields with relationto people's livelihood among countries. Success of the activities in each significant fieldmentioned above depends largely on the success of intercultural communicationbetween parties involved from different cultural backgrounds. Thus interculturalcommunicative competence, the essential competence that is entailed in successfulintercultural communication, is certainly in demand of talented people of all countries.

1.2 Purpose of This Study
The purpose of this study is to carry out a case study of evaluation of textbooksdesigned for non-English majors before textbook application. The evaluationparticularly emphasizes on the potential effect of the textbook on the development ofcollege students' intercultural communicative competence as the ultimate goal offoreign language teaching. With regard to the specific process of evaluation, the authorfirst explores how aspects that may have an effect on the basic components ofintercultural communicative competence might be embodied in textbook and thenproposes corresponding questions for evaluation based on previous exploration, and atlast suggests corresponding methods for evaluation in the case study of evaluation of acertain textbook series. What to emphasize here is the purpose of textbook evaluationbefore its application, it aims to provide scientific and reasonable basis for users orinstitutions in preliminary sifting of available textbooks to meet their goals, however,whether the learners’ intercultural communicative competence can actually bedeveloped or improved through the application of textbook depends on many factorsapart from textbooks and one important factor is the instructor’s appropriate instruction.Furthermore, the final effect of textbook application on learners’ ICC can only beconcluded after completion of all three stages of textbook evaluation. The evaluationcarried out in this study belongs to the first phase, comparing with that of the secondand third phase, the questions and corresponding methods for evaluation of this phasetend to be more qualitative and general, le,英语论文题目英语论文范文
