
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background and significance of the study
As a world language, English is widely used in the world. Learning English andEnglish teaching have received much attention by people. With the development of thesociety, English has become a kind of thought, not just a mean. Mastering Englishmeans obtaining a special thought. We could go further to say that learning Englishmeans we have more opportunities to know more about the world, because language is atool of human beings. Grasping a language implies grasping a method of observing theworld.As far as we are concerned, the purpose of language learning is to communicatewith others. If we can't communicate with others after learning, there is no need to learnlanguage. Through mastering large vocabulary, learning accurate grammar, all is to beable to accurately use language to communicate. As an English teacher, I always meetwith the students who have large vocabulary and rich grammar knowledge, but can'tcommunicate with others in English. Especially when meeting a foreigner, they are toonervous to express themselves. Therefore,how to improve communicating skills is aserious problem for all the English learners.

1.2 Contents of the thesis
At present, there exist many problems with complicated situation in oral Englishteaching. The study based on Howard Gardner's MI theory, through an empirical study,analyzing existing problems of oral English learning. From the angle of new students'concept, new teaching concept and new evaluation concept, discussing strategies tosolve the problems existing in oral English teaching, and then oral English teachingmethods based on MI theory are proposed.The thesis consists of seven chapters.The first chapter includes the following two aspects: in the first part,英语毕业论文,thebackground and significance of the study are introduced; in the second part, the contentsof the study and overview of the thesis are illustrated.The second chapter consists of two sections. In the first section, researchesconcerning MI Theory home and abroad are introduced. In the second section,英语论文网站,thecontributions of MI Theory, the limitations of MI Theory and the existing problems arestated.The third chapter focuses on the overview of MI theory, which includes thebackground of MI Theory,basic principles of MI Theory, description of MI Theory andsignificance of MI Theory in teaching.The fourth chapter introduces the overview of oral English teaching, whichincludes the importance of oral English study,major teaching methods about oralEnglish and existing problems of oral English teachingIn chapter five, Multiple Intelligences Theory is applied to college oral Englishteaching. The methods and procedures of experiment are described in detail. Throughexperiment, some conclusions are drawn.The sixth chapter illustrates the evaluations of oral English teaching methods basedon Multiple Intelligences Theory. The following aspects are stated: teachers' attitudetowards teaching,teachers' attitude towards students,and students’ attitude towards oralEnglish learning.In the last chapter, the conclusion of the research is drawn, which are limitations ofthe study, suggestions for further research and summary of the study.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 A brief review of previou
