1.1 Background of the Study
With teachers' professional development, a great number of scholars and psychologistshave paid more attention to cognitive and affective process of the teachers to explore theteachers' internal world by attribution theory. Research on attribution theory mainly hasconcentrated on psychology and Educational psychology field since 1970s,and it is widelyapplied in the fields of medicine, management,business, sports,and other fields, especially ineducational setting. Attribution theory plays a vital role in educational setting. Attributiontheory deals primarily with four explanations for success and failure in achievement situations:ability,effort,英语论文范文,task difficulty, and luck. Ability and effort attributions are internal to theindividual, whereas task difficulty and luck attributions are external to the individual (Weiner,1979). Research shows that attribution training can increase students' academic achievement,and the attribution training makes controllable factor of attributions for success and failure inorder to encourage students' persistence (Perry,Hechter, Menec, & Weinberg, 1993). Dweckand her colleagues apply the attribution model to the educational context (Grant & Dweck,2017; Mueller & Dweck, 1998). Research indicates that attributing results to the effort factorcould reflect new learning skills, but attributing results to the ability factor can reflect aperformance orientation that concentrates on how the student's academic performanceappeared to others. The student with an academic performance goal avoids new learningchances for fear of poor performance and lack of qualification.
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
The purpose of the present study is to explore tendencies and differences of teachingattributions for university English teachers. As is mentioned above,prior studies on teachingattribution for success and failure are constrained to the whole staff in elementary schools,orhigh schools,or in colleges and universities. Few researchers have explored English teachers'tendency of attribution for success and failure. The current study will provide adequateevidences to suggest how English teachers make attributions for their teaching, and whatteaching attribution tendencies are as well.Teaching attribution is particularly helpful for teachers when a teacher experiencesunsuccessful outcomes (such as unexpected or negative outcomes). He or she often usesattribution theory when they seek the reasons for these unexpected or negative results on theirstudents and their teaching process. Positive or successful teaching attribution will producemore significant effect on teachers' future teaching motivation and expectancy value.Ultimately,attribution theory is very important in helping teachers to understand how studentsinterpret and use teachers,feedback on their academic performance at school. Teachingattribution is greatly important in helping teachers to understand how they interpret theirteaching process, how students make attributions. Through teaching attributions, teachers notonly conclude the past teaching experiences, but also find out the optimal method to improvetheir future teaching behaviors. Teaching attributions are of both academic significance andpractical value. Firstly, it enriches and develops application of attribution theo本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文/,英语论文/,/论文,英语论文范文,/英语论文,/留学生论文,/英文论文,留学生论文/相关核心关键词搜索。